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Secure AI CRM: OWASP & CASA Tier 2 Compliant

BuildrsCRM   on December 14, 2023


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the security of customer data is paramount. BuildrsCRM, an innovative AI-powered CRM platform, sets a new standard in CRM security by adhering to internationally recognized guidelines like OWASP and boasting a CASA Tier 2 certification. We are also on the path to achieving SOC 2 compliance, reaffirming our commitment to providing secure and trustworthy CRM solutions.

OWASP Compliance: The Backbone of Our Security Protocol

Understanding OWASP Standards in CRM Security

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is a cornerstone in defining security standards for web applications. Our adherence to OWASP guidelines ensures that we offer a CRM platform that is not only feature-rich but also robust against potential cyber threats.

Continuous Security Assessments and Updates

We regularly update our security protocols to align with OWASP’s evolving standards, ensuring your customer data is protected against the latest threats.

CASA Tier 2 Certification: A Testament to Our Dedication

What Does CASA Tier 2 Mean for Your Business?

The CASA Tier 2 certification is a rigorous assessment that evaluates the security measures of digital platforms. Achieving this certification means that BuildrsCRM has undergone stringent testing and validation of its security practices, offering you a platform you can trust.

Audit and Certification reports are here: CASA – Statement of Validation.

Preparing for SOC 2 Compliance: Elevating Data Security and Privacy

The Importance of SOC 2 in CRM Platforms

SOC 2 compliance is critical for businesses concerned about data privacy and security. Our journey towards this compliance is a testament to our dedication to upholding the highest data protection standards.

Robust Security Features in BuildrsCRM

Advanced AI Integration for Enhanced Security

Our CRM’s AI-powered core is not just about intelligent data processing; it’s also about ensuring advanced security measures. AI integration helps in proactive threat detection and enhances the overall security of the platform.

Building a Secure CRM Environment for Every Industry

Whether you’re in retail, finance, or any other sector, our CRM is designed to meet your industry-specific security needs.


At BuildrsCRM, we don’t just create CRM solutions; we create secure, reliable, and trustworthy relationships. Our commitment to OWASP standards, CASA Tier 2 certification, and the pursuit of SOC 2 compliance reflect our dedication to securing your business’s most valuable asset — customer data.

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Buildrs CRM and Data Platform Launch.

BuildrsCRM   on April 19, 2023

Buildrs – a Swiss-based company driving the adoption of Web3 –is set to unveil the Buildrs Platform – a CRM and data platform, at Istanbul Fintech Week. The launch of this pioneering technology platform will take place on 13 April 2023, and is accompanied by an endorsement from Riyadh-based investment company Quara Holding.



The Buildrs Platform is a powerful all-in-one Web3 solution designed to help enterprises scale, manage client relationships, and engage with future customers. The platform integrates on-chain and off-chain data sources to provide businesses with deep customer insights, allowing them to analyze customer interactions across multiple blockchains.


By embracing Web3, companies can stay relevant, future-proof their business, and tap into the demand for next-gen experiences while connecting with younger consumers who prioritize data privacy, ownership, fair share, and autonomy.


“As the Web3 ecosystem continues to expand and transform the business landscape, it’s imperative for companies to adapt to these changes or risk becoming obsolete,” said Viktor Andreas, CEO of Buildrs. “We believe that Web3 is a key building block of future business, and with the Buildrs Platform, we are empowering enterprises to not only keep up with the change but also thrive in the Web3 economy.”


Buildrs technology is already being explored by Riyadh-based investment company Quara Holding. Vice Chairman of Quara Holding, Ziad El Chaar, said the investment company was committed to investing in the future and exploring new technologies that would transform the way business is conducted.


“Quara Holding is committed to investing in the future and exploring new technologies that will transform the way we do business. We have been exploring Web3 and believe that it has the potential to revolutionize customer interactions and several industries. We are constantly assessing how to leverage Web3 and enhance our customer engagement and bring value to our diverse portfolio of entities across the real estate, finance, and technology industries. By incorporating innovative technologies like tokenization, we can revolutionize the real estate market, for example. We believe Web3 has the potential to transform customer interactions, and Buildrs can play a key role in making this a reality.” – Ziad El Chaar, Vice Chairman of Quara Holding.


“Buildrs Platform is now live and has already demonstrated its effectiveness with the first enterprise clients, showcasing a comprehensive suite of tools that empower businesses to excel in the Web3 economy. With Buildrs, enterprises have the opportunity to join the forefront of the Web3 revolution. We welcome clients and investors to join us on this journey as we revolutionize how businesses and consumers interact online,” commented Viktor Andreas, CEO of Buildrs.


The launch comes at a time when a tangible shift towards Web3 is occurring. According to Grand View Research, the global Web3 blockchain market size is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)of 47.1% from 2023 to 20301. The growing consumer interest in tokenization presents an opportunity for traditional Web2 businesses to capitalise on this emerging consumer segment.